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Separation of Orchestration & Computation in KubeEdge


Understand why and how the features in KubeEdge make the CNCF project the most flexible edge computing platform

With the advent of 5G, the era is going through the exciting phase of bringing Cloud Computing to Edge, with Businesses working on finding an ideal solution to meet their specific demands depending on their reality, use case, and scale.You’ve probably heard about KubeEdge - Kubernetes Native Edge Computing Framework (a CNCF Incubation project).One of the features which makes it a more flexible edge computing platform is making the separation of Orchestration capability in cloud and compute functionality in edge with separate cloud and edge core modules. Thus making it scalable and extendable on the cloud and at the same time, the edge can work in offline mode with optimizing resource utilization making it cost-effective.

In this presentation, you will learn about how KubeEgde’s Cloud and Edge Components work, and why this makes it the most compelling edge computing platform currently, based on Kubernetes!

Speaker: Harshita Sharma, Software Engineer at Kubermatic

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