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Announcing Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform 2.11

The world doesn’t stand still and we don’t either. We are constantly working on improving and optimizing Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform, our enterprise-grade Kubernetes Management Platform for any infrastructure. After three months of development time, we are proud to announce availability of Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform 2.11.

New providers for enhanced freedom of choice

With the latest release, we now provide support for two more cloud provider: Google Cloud Platform and Packet. This allows our customers to deploy fully Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform-managed clusters on GCP and Packet at the click of a button.

Improved DevOps experience with new service accounts

With Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform 2.11, we are happy to introduce service accounts. Service accounts allow you to seamlessly authenticate any application with the Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform API, so it can run automated API requests on your behalf. This delivers an easy way to set up infrastructure-as-a-code scenarios in a truly cloud native way.

Always run the latest Kubernetes version

Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform now supports Kubernetes 1.15. With Kubermatic Kubernetes Platform you can freely choose which Kubernetes version you want to run.

For more information, see the changelog here: https://docs.kubermatic.io/changelog/2.11/

Kristin Wittig

Kristin Wittig

Marketing & Communications